Monday, September 3, 2012

what happens when the time in the airport is greater than the time in the air

airports are an interesting place.
so far:
  • two people are reading catching fire.
  • two iPhone wireless networks have appeared.
  • one e-reader. one iPad. too many iPhones to count. 4 books.
  • one Amoeba Music bag (not counting my own two bags)
  • 3 red suitcases. 2 blue. several silver.
  • three women and one man wearing sunglasses on top of their head. two men wearing sunglasses indoors. one man with sunglasses hanging off of his shirt collar. one man with them hanging off his neck.
  • one (possibly) abandoned copy of entertainment weekly. if abandoned, this will soon be claimed by myself.
  • most people are wearing flip flops.
  • five baseball hats. one newsboy hat.
  • one poster tube.
  • 3 bags of chips.